What most people don't fully understand is that domestic violence is like a disease. A disease that doesn't get better on it's own, but usually worse. Learning to stop the cycle of violence is an educational process. Since most perpetrators of domestic violence are men, most of the education is directed towards helping me improve their coping skills and understanding how to better function in intimate relationships with women and children.
Too often, this educational process doesn't happen until it's too late. Perhaps a beating has occurred or children have been harmed and now it has become a legal issue. Most men are referred to what is called DV classes or batterer intervention classes. These classes are aimed at teaching some very specific skills to help improve communication, understanding how to stop violence and much more. Most classes are offered in a group setting; however, online classes are also available.
Online such resource for taking domestic violence classes is at DVclass.com. Classes are primarily taken for court and legal requirements but can also be taken simply for educational and personal growth.
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